Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today I become the parent of a teenager. I don't think either of us is ready for that.

Dear Sofia,

As I write this, you're still sleeping away your birthday morning.  This, in itself, is new for us.  Every morning of April 6th for the thirteen years preceding this one, you've been up and full of energy bright and early.  Now, as a certified member of the angst club, you sleep more and there's a discernible drop in energy levels...to say the least.  My oh my, how things have changed.

Gone is the extra little kid fluff that made you look so young.  Gone are the days of snuggled in Disney movies.  And, gone are the days when I could say anything without an eye roll or a foot drag or the most infuriating shoulder slump.  The kid who made things easy is long gone.

In her place, I get the kid who is going to change the world.  You read books like they're air, you believe in things so truly that you almost make others believe,  and you are as loyal a friend as anyone could dream of.  Yes, you and I battle daily over everything; but secretly....very secretly, I sometimes want you to win.  I want you to change my rock solid mind sometimes just so that I can see how you will shape the world.  Unfortunately, you seem most determined to work on my hygienic standards, and those are pretty rigid.

Truly though, I know the kind of kid you are.  I know how lucky I have it.

You're kind and giving.
You're smart and thoughtful.
You're loyal and dedicated.
You're talented and hardworking.

You're becoming an involved sister.

You're proving a fierce advocate for your mama.

You're learning to accept people as they come.

And, you're doing it all with a wicked sense of humor and a laugh that swallows the room.

I love you, kid.  Through the tears and the drama and the war we'll be waging for years to come, I love you like no other.



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