Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Monday, July 22, 2013


Choose to be alive today.

Not breathing.  Not following the path from Point A to Point B.  Not awake.


Choose it because you've done it the other way.  Choose it because no one can stop you from your choices.  Choose it like there are no other options.


Jumping head first into the butterflies in your stomach.

Streaking through the sunshine, or splashing through the rain, or dancing through the snowstorm.

Singing at the top of your lungs when you only know three lines in the song.

Screaming when you're angry.

Sobbing when your heart breaks.

Laughing till your sides ache at the jokes only your best friend tells right.


Once you grow up, alive is a choice.  It doesn't come naturally once you've lived a little.  It's scary and, well, it's known.  You know that being alive can hurt.  Once you've done it for awhile, you know it can break you.  So, you start backing off.  You start biting your tongue and harnessing your wild.  You start just breathing and putting one foot in front of the other.

Just for today, don't do that.  Just for today, be brave enough to be afraid.  See what happens.  Maybe you'll even survive it. 


  1. I am gonna dance like EVERYBODY is watching today. Great stuff right here :)

    1. I would expect nothing less from you, Bill. And that's why I like and respect you so much!
