Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Sunday, December 30, 2012

What do you see when you look at me?  You see small wrists and think they're easy to grab and manipulate?  You see thighs smaller than your neck and think they couldn't possibly be strong enough to outdo you?  You see a woman, so I'm automatically easy to push around?

Know what I see when I look at you?  I see a head full of ego with nothing to back it up.  I see arms full of muscle that haven't ever been used to help, only hurt.  And I see a man so weak he can only pick on a woman half his size.

You think you know everything there is to know about me because you've heard it through the filter of a liar.  You think you can look down on me because you've never been caught showing your true colors.  What about all the times you got turned down when you snuck in behind his back?  You think you can tell me what to do with my life because you have a family turning a blind eye behind you.  You think you can spread lies about me to the people stupid enough to listen simply because the smart ones ignore you anyway.  Want me to start telling the truth about you?

You think I can't fight back because you're a man.  Please.  I've been knocked around by bigger, stronger, louder boys than you my whole life.  And I have never, not once, been beaten.  You are nothing.

No, there's no way my smaller hands or little arms can hurt you.  You've got me by at least 100 pounds, it's true.  But my mind?  Well, my mind could annihilate you in the blink of an eye.  So, think long and hard before you come at me again.  Because, there is nothing you could ever do to me that would lessen the strength of a life long lived in struggle.  And I'd be happy to show you that the next time you come at me like the loud mouthed, trash talking, lieing, bully, punk you are.

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