Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Run #7

I'm up to 5.67 miles.  Not too bad for only being the eighth time I've ever run anywhere in my life.  (Seriously, in High School I was the kid who wrote their own note to get out of participating.  I never once did that stupid mile-run for the state assessment.)

Now, here's the problem:  I hurt my foot.  Actually, I hurt it while I was stretching after last Friday's run.  I thought it would feel better in the morning.  It didn't, but I did my Saturday run anyway.  (I'm super smart like that!)  Now, five days later, it still hurts.  I don't know what exactly I did, but the arch of my left foot hurts every time I take a step.  Unfortunately, I am one of those people who takes commitments very seriously.  I am determined to run three mornings a week.  I am determined to extend the run at least once a week.  I am determined to do this until there is ice covering the streets.  So, I will hobble through these damn runs if it kills me.  I want to say it's something profound or spiritual.  But, really, I am just incredibly hard headed and refuse to be beaten by anything - even my body.

So, I was slower today (5.6 mph average speed, 10:37 min/mi.).  In my defense though, in addition to the terrible pain in my stupid foot, it was also drizzling and cold.  And, I only saw one other person out running today (the hardcore lady I see everytime... she even has the fancy running paraphenalia.)  So, I feel like I accomplished something today. 

I would like to thank Stacy for texting me twice this morning so I could walk for a minute, I really needed that.  And, a special thank you to Kim for texting me yesterday morning because she thought yesterday was Wednesday.  At least she tried! 

And, if I could do this... anyone can get up and exercise a little today. 

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