Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jeans Season

So I think I'm the only person in the world who couldn't care less about "swimsuit season".  Well.... maybe that's an exaggeration... I am fairly sure that Tibetan monks aren't all that concerned with having six packs peak out from under just-a-little-too-tight t-shirts.  But, other than the monks and I, everyone else spends all spring losing weight.  I happen to use the summer to add some padding to protect my midsection should anyone feel the need to run into my hips with a mack truck.  You know... safety first and all of that.

All of this being said, the season I do prepare for is what I like to call "jeans season".  See, while I can successfully avoid donning a swimsuit for at least 87% of the summer, I can't go bottom-less for all of fall and winter.  Well, I could, but that would certainly make parent-teacher conferences a whole new level of awkward.  So, with the goal of not having to squeeze my ample rear into my "good day jeans"** I have begun preparing.

** Am I the only one with a pair of jeans that, every time you put them on, you think "Wow, did I lose weight?  I know I shouldn't be able to zip these up!"  If I am, you should definitely go get a pair!  They really turn a "shouldn't have had that extra cappuccino"day into that "I think I could use another cookie" day!  Seriously... run right now to your nearest store and pick one up!

Anyway, I have decided that I shall start running.  Actually, I have decided that I can't spend every minute that Maya is in school crying over a bowl of flour and sugar.  And, since I gravitate to my kitchen every moment I'm in my house, I had to get out of here.  And, yesterday was day one of my new routine.  Let me just say now... I abhor running.  I truly don't get it.  Unless someone is chasing you or your child is being swept away by the ocean... why do you need to get anywhere faster than a quick step?  I can't say I know yet, but maybe I'll figure it out by day 2?  * Doubtful.

According to my new app... I ran 3.63 miles yesterday morning.  At a top speed of 11.4 mph.  With an average pace of 9:45/mile.  Slow, I'm sure.  But no one was chasing me, so I don't think it's too bad.  Put one of these hillbillies on a tractor behind me, and I'm sure I would've beaten any average Olympic sprinter.  My phone also tells me that I burned 364 calories.  However, I find that to be grossly underestimated.  It was 47,000 degrees.   There is a bigg-ish hill at the end of my route.  And, I looked like I had just come from the shower by the time I made it back to my house.  So, according to my very scientific estimates, I burned at least an enchilada platter and a margarita. 

Day 2 of my new routine is tomorrow.  Since I woke up this morning without any soreness or pain, I suppose I should go further?  Or...  I could go get bigger jeans and an enchilada platter.  We'll see...

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