Because I know what it feels like to be at the bottom of everyone's list, I know that I will always put my girls at the tippy-top.
Because I've been pushed down stairs, I know that it doesn't matter how big the opponent, I can put up a fight with the best of them.
Because I've been looked in the eye, I know it's possible to carry on a conversation with a man who isn't staring at your chest.
Because I know how to celebrate "new" clothes when they come home with my mother in a black trash bag, I know my kids can learn to appreciate what we can afford to give them. Because, regardless of the label, at least they still have tags on them.
Because I have had to run to the neighbor's to call 911 when a man was choking my mother, I know I have it in me to save a life.
Because that same man was welcomed back into our home less than 48 hours later, I know I have it in me to take one too.
Because, less than a year after that, I was moved into that man's house, I know that it's possible for a mother to put anyone ahead of her child.
Because I have waited (more than once) for a father that didn't show up, I know that waiting on someone to whisk you away is time wasted.
Because I have had burned fingers with habaneros and eyeballs with jalapenos, I know to put on gloves every time I mess with them now.
Because I have cleaned vomit off of the ceiling, play-dough out of hair, and you-don't-want-to-know-what out of air vents, I know I can do anything given enough Lysol and deep breaths.
Because I have felt the warmth of my newborn babies' breath on my chest, I know what it means to love so much you can't breathe.
Because I have seen real struggle, felt real loss, and witnessed absolute weakness, I know all people are capable of anything in any given situation.
Because I have watched someone I loved with all I had walk away, I know he didn't take the sunrise with him.
Because I have felt the sting of betrayal, I know I could never be that cruel.
Because I have tried my hardest and failed, I know that falling on my face won't kill me... even when I wish it would.
Because I have stood on my own two feet, I know I'll never need to step on anyone else's toes to make it to my destination.
And, because I know how hard lessons can be, I know to get them the first time whenever possible.
So, when I tell my children "Because I said so." I really mean, "Because I've done it before, and I know what's coming. So, as much as I want you to follow your own path, I don't want you running into the same traps and walls. I learned those lessons so that you don't have to." Otherwise, every stumble I had in my life was for nothing. And, I don't think I could live with that.
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