Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Monday, May 2, 2011

Maya Marisela

This is my baby.  The child who reminds me every day to stop and smell the flowers.  Then pick said flowers.  Then place said flowers in her hair.  Then rip said flowers from her hair the moment she remembers that there could be bugs on them.

Maya Marisela.  She was the hardest to name.  We had accidentally given both of her sisters first and middle names that ended in "a", so I had to come up with a name for her that would match.  Maya was pretty easy, she's named after my favorite poet (Maya Angelou) - but, don't tell my husband.  He thinks she's named after the Mayan Indians from Mexico.  Aaahh... the things we do to make them think it's their idea.  She was almost Maya Valencia, but I decided that would cause too much drama, so Marisela it became. 

When she arrived, the sky got a little bluer and the air got a little sweeter.  Maya is a force to be reckoned with, though.  She is determined and willful and hard-headed. She is amazed by everything and impressed by nothing.  Maya will definitely be my "challenge" child.  And, I can't wait to see where her pink carpeted road leads us.

Miss Maya will turn four years old this week.  And, despite my best efforts, she's growing up a little every day.  She is three months away from starting preschool.  Which makes her about ninety days away from our first experiences apart.  Once that begins, she will only be a "baby" to me.  The world will see her as a big girl. 

But, I know that she will still have to hold my hand to cross the street.  And, she'll still need to run to me whenever she slips in her sparkly shoes and scrapes her knee.  Maya will still believe in princesses and fairy tales.  She continues to think that people live inside the radio and come out only to sing on tv.  She still has a dimple and roll for a wrist.  She covers both of our eyes during kissing scenes in the Disney movies.  And, while she'll deny it if you ask her, she relishes being the baby.  It's her trump card, and she's unashamed to throw it out there.  Want her to help her sisters pick up a mess? "But, Mama, I'm your baby!"  Want her to dress herself even though she's tired?  "But, Mama, I'm your baby!"  Want her to sit still for two seconds so you can finish something?  "Mama, hold me!  I'm your baby!"  Does it always work?  No.  Does her Mama sometimes take advantage just so she can hold her close and smell her hair?  Absolutely.

Maya Marisela is the last person I will ever have the honor of holding hands with.  She's the gift I gave a world that has a little too much darkness in it.  And, Maya is just the right girl to show you which flowers you should be putting in your hair to match your tutu.

You're welcome, world.  You're welcome.

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