I even went to college to study journalism, thinking I could make a career out of the words that come relatively easily to me. Then I realized you can't really make a living like that, so I became a mama instead. Hahaha. Joke's on me....there's not a dime to be made raising human beings either. So, for a long time, the only thing I wrote was my name on class mom rosters and recipes on the back of grocery lists.
And my soul died. The loss of words was really the loss of me.
So, I started this little blog. In a moment of sheer desperation and more than a little twinge of embarrassment, I wrote the first words I could let go of in years.
I didn't really think anyone would read them, and it felt so egotistical to post them at all; but, the release was overwhelming. Since that day, I have written about everything and nothing. My children, my fears, my failures, their wonders, my insecurities. The rants, the tirades, the confessions, the questions. I've been silly, and introspective, and sad, and angry. I've been all the things I am in real life. Those who know me know my voice. This blog has been my voice.
And, today, my words have been read 10,000 times. Seriously. I logged on today to find that my count was at 10,002.
I know that isn't really anything when you really think about it. There are real writers who are read by that many in a day. There are blogs that see that in a morning.
But, to little old me and my silly little ramblings, ten thousand views is a lot. I don't have sponsors or giveaways or recipes or crafting tips. I just have this life and these words that mean everything to me. It's truly humbling to think that anyone read even one post, so the fact that there were thousands...wow.
I am profoundly grateful for the time you gave up to me. And, I am moved past the words that have always come so easily.
Thank you. Ten thousand times over.
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