You are right. You are married, not dead. Absolutely. Look to your little heart's content. Visually appreciate every scintillating inch of flesh that struts past. Drink it all in with eyes that match the sky. Really. There's no harm in looking. And, you didn't turn in your 20/20 at the end of the aisle. You weren't required to sacrifice your perfect vision at the altar. You are married. Not dead.
Know what is dead, though? Your right to pursue other women. Yes, you traded in each and every opportunity you could have had when you chose the one you married. You sacrificed the freedom of choice when you CHOSE.
So, if you want to watch me from across the room... cool, but stay over there. Don't sidle up and introduce yourself with a smile designed to make panties drop. You want to talk to me? Cool; but, somewhere in the first three sentences, you have to use the words "my wife". You want to ask for my number so we can "get together"? Cool, but unless you're planning on inviting me over for brunch with the wife, save your cell plan minutes. And, if you want to start something you already know you cannot I can do the same thing at the most inopportune time you can imagine.
I am not the married man whisperer.
Not only can I not help you get over whatever you deem to be a problem in your marriage, I don't want to. You don't want to be married? Fine - do her a favor and leave her. You don't want to be faithful? Fine - do her a favor and let her know you've decided she isn't enough for you anymore. You just want to see what I would be like? I don't blame you, so here's my advice: Do yourself a favor - grab a tissue and let your imagination soar. Because I'm not interested in being anyone's other anything.
Marriage isn't the death of a man. It's just the death of the single man. You still get to do all the things you did when you were dating, you just only get to do them with your wife. Not the next hot thing that crosses your path.
And, hey, you still get to have other women in your life. You can have all the friends your marriage can handle. Some of my favorite people are married men. We joke and talk and text and support each other. The line is quite clearly defined, though. They don't touch, flirt, ogle or in any way disrespect the women they chose to marry. No, this has nothing to do with being friends. This is about dating.
I am not suggesting it isn't possible for married men and single women to be friends. I am saying it isn't possible for married men to date. Not to date me, at least.
One more thing, if you're not going to wear a ring, than you must start each and every initial conversation with, "My wife would..." An example: "My wife would kill me if she knew I walked over here, smiled, flirted in a seemingly genuine way, asked for your number, then was completely surprised that you're not a complete idiot and you do your homework - thus discovering that she exists." This way, the woman who was minding her own business before you sauntered over would be aware that your sparkle comes dredged in bullshit.
Bottom line: You will get caught - if not by the woman at home, than by the woman with Internet access and the experience to know better.