Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I thought this would be a good time to update/clarify some of the things I've posted since I started this blog.

  • First Blog:  A little more than four months in, and I still don't feel guilty about posting.  Maybe my "guilt" cup overfloweth so much already, I don't have the room for more?
  • Lost and Found:  No one has come to claim Maya yet.  She is, however, still a diva.  This weekend, I got out all of the 5T clothes from her sisters.  As tiny as she is, her legs are super long.  So, all of the 4T dresses were becoming way too short.  Anyway, as we were putting away all of the jeans, shorts, and t-shirts that were in the box, Maya started getting very concerned.  Finally, she said "Where are all of the dresses?"  "Well, these are all of sisters' old clothes, and they didn't like wearing dresses."  long pause... deep sigh... shoulders slump  "You mean, they wore these?"  Obviously, I'll be doing some shopping asap.
  • Average:  The girls are still adorably average.  Although, Sofia made it to the state finals for "Music Memory" and will compete next Tuesday at K-State University.  So, this time next week, I may have one extraordinary child.
  • Bakeaholic:  Due to the endless birthday celebrations lately, I have been falling behind in my Bon Appetit book.  Apparently, chocolate cake & cookies are preferred over panforte candy.  The family did enjoy the banana splits with three sauces, though.  They just don't know how good they've got it!
  • Maya's bed:  Since that post, she has made two new friends.  Unfortunately, neither of us remember their names right now.  Clearly, the new bunny and dog haven't made it into the "in" crowd yet.
  • Stay off the grass!:  Sexy guy at the grocery store has been replaced.  Since I guess he's local, I'll keep the new crush's identity to myself.  Let's just say I'm enjoying soccer season much more this time.
  • Sunday Mornings:  To clarify... there is no actual navel tickling going on!!!  There is only the fear of it in the future which leads to the prevention of it in the present.  And, on a good day, there's still some bounce.
I appreciate every single one of the people who read/have read this blog.  It means more than words to know that anyone is listening, especially since no one within actual earshot is.  This life can be boring and stifling and lonely, but it's the only one I've got.  So, I'll keep going, dragging these girls along with me.  And, I'll keep you all updated on our adventure.  Whether you like it or not!

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