Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Needs beat Wants... every time.

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.  (And, not just because it was 4:30 am).  But I did it anyway.
I didn't want to plaster a smile on my face when I got the girls up.  But I did anyway.
I don't feel like making anyone laugh today.  Or supporting anyone else today.  Or walking around breathing today.  But I will do it anyway.

Because needs beat wants.  There are three people who need me to do this every day.  Three sets of eyes watching all the time to make sure I'm still there.  Three sets of ears listening all the time to what I have to say (even when it seems that they're not).  Three sets of feet following my lead all the time.  Three hearts that could be broken if I made the wrong decision.  That's a pressure that only a parent can feel.  Honestly, it's a pressure that only a truly loving parent could handle. 

Being a parent (though I can only speak as a mother) means putting their needs over your wants.  Every time. 
Even when all you want is to run away?  Yes

Even when  it feels like you're drowning in need?  Yes

Even when you know that what's best for you isn't best for them?  Especially then

Being an adult means making tough decisions.  Being a parent means making the decisions that make it less tough on your children.  It's a hard, but necessary burden.  Because their needs beat my wants... every single time.

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