Today was the day. The day my heart was ripped from my chest, a nametag placed on it's back, and it was lured away by new toys. The day I learned what it felt like to have a limb severed. Oh yeah, it was also the day my baby girl became a preschooler.
While I have been in complete denial about the arrival of this fateful day, in the back of my mind I knew it was coming.
Hurtling toward me like a runaway train. I didn't even get her a new dress for the occasion because, once I finally admitted that the day was approaching, I couldn't find a single dress I liked. This has never happened before! I usually have to stop myself from buying every thing in the store. So, she went to her first day in an old dress. Of course, I did get her a backpack. But that's only because it was on clearance at Pottery Barn Kids. And it was really cute. And I could pretend it was only for dress-up purposes. And throughout the summer, I reminded her about once a week that Preschool was coming! She had some very interesting takes on it:
Me: "In preschool you get to sing lots of songs!"
Me: "No, everyone gets to sing."
Maya: "Why??!!"
Maya: "Mama, I'm not going to be able to go to the first day of preschool"
Me: "Why not?!"
Maya: "Because I'm not gonna feel good."
Me: "Only three breakfasts left until preschool!"
Maya: "You better make them good than!"
Anyway, yesterday, we actually got to the matter of preparing.
First, we made our "Kissing Hands". This was something the preschool did on Eva's first day. It
really helped during those first few days. I can clearly remember clutching it to my chest as I sobbed all the way home. Since the school didn't assign it this year, I did it on my own. So, Maya's is in her back pack and mine was clutched to my chest as I sobbed all the way home.
Then, we packed up her backpack and tied the little name card I made on the outside. After lunch, we went for back to school haircuts. Both of her sisters got one, but she refused because she wants to be "like Rapunzel". With her braid now reaching to her waist, I'd say she's well on her way.
For dinner, I made her
favorite. Chicken enchiladas have been her favorite meal since before she turned three and they have always been the only thing she
always eats.
She picked out the dress she wanted to wear and we did the requisite pedicure. After all, a girl can't start preschool without bright pink toenails! Well, at least not this girl. While sisters were getting ready for bed, we snuggled in a chair and talked about the big day. We talked about all of the fun things she would get to do, and I told her how I couldn't wait to hear all about it when she got home. We talked about how lucky she was that she has a cousin in her class. I asked her if she was going to make any other friends. Her response: "Well, if they come to me".
*This is probably a good time to mention the main reason why Maya needs to go to preschool. She is a complete diva. And, she needs to learn that she is not actually in charge of the whole world (though, to be fair, she does run this house with an iron fist).
After they finally settled down and fell asleep, I went in to stare at her. It was the last time I'd watch my baby sleep. Once school started, she would be an official "big girl". I, predictably, didn't sleep at all.
This was going to be the last first day of preschool. I got up with a stomach ache, and it hasn't passed yet.
I made her one of her favorite breakfasts (still trying to fulfill my instructions to make them good) and went in to wake her up.
Putting on a brave face, we sang songs about how great this day was. We bounced around the house giggling about all the fun she was going to have.
*Alright, maybe I was trying to delay everything by making her late for her first day. But she thought it was fun, so we'll just go with that.
After getting dressed, teeth brushed, and hair done it was time for pictures.
This is my big girl. Isn't she beautiful?
Then, it was off to school. She was quiet, her mama was desperately trying to hold it together. We made the long walk up to the front door.
Thanks to Sofia who offered to hold my camera for me... then evilly graciously documented the occasion. |
She wouldn't let go of my hand when I asked her to take a picture outside of the school. Or when I asked her to take a picture with her sisters. So, that will just have to be memorialized in my mind. Once inside, we hung her backpack on her hook.
Then, stood in line to get her nametag. Luckily, her cousin was in line behind us, so she was a little comforted. Though, she still wasn't ready to let go. Once Elliot had his tag on, they slowly wandered off to the toys. I thought that was it. But, after a couple of minutes, she came running back to me.
Of course, I hadn't left yet! Once she got another hug, she went back to the play area. Again, I thought she was done with me. I moved closer to the door (as I felt I was about to throw up). Remembering that I had two other kids there, I went to make sure they hadn't been kidnapped.
*Wouldn't that have been a great addition to the day! When I came back in, I stood as far back as I could without losing sight of her. She started searching for me, and when our eyes met (
cue the soft music), she came running back with her arms outstretched. That's when I officially lost it. Through my tears, I told her to look at all of the fun toys and all of the cool kids (a GROSS over-statement). She clung to me for a minute, looked at me with her big dark eyes and gave me a kiss. I told her I loved her and I couldn't wait to hear all about her fun day. Then, she slowly re-joined the group. I couldn't stay in there a minute longer without showing all of those strangers (and my sympathetic cousin) my complete nervous breakdown. I couldn't even speak to her sisters, so I told them to "come on" with hand signals. I made it to the car before I went in to the (as Oprah would say) ugly cry. It wasn't pretty. But, with her little pink handprint clutched to my chest, I let it all go.
All of the anxiety, the stress, the emptiness, the insecurity, the longing, the loss ran down my face. The two girls in the back of the car sat quietly in uncomfortable shock. Their mama doesn't cry like that. Their mama never loses control like that. However, I had warned them about this all morning. I assured them that, although I
celebrate their first days now, when I dropped them off at preschool the first time - I cried just as hard. I don't love Maya more, I just have a harder time with "first times" than I do with fourth and seventh times.
Once, I had gained enough composure, I put the car in drive and
slowly left the parking lot. All I could imagine was my baby running out the front door crying for me. Wondering why I left her. I am sure, however, that she was playing happily inside - not thinking about me.
Exactly two hours later (and 35 minutes early), I was right back at the front door anxiously awaiting her little face.
And, there she was. I can proudly say that she was
really excited to see me, though not nearly as excited as I was. Apparently, the only thing she did today was get "fruity snacks" for someone's birthday treat. I admit I was very disappointed that she didn't bring anything home for us to look at.
No drawings or anything!! I tried to convince her that she's learned everything she will ever need to know, so there's no need to go back again. I don't think she's buying it though. So, I guess we'll go through this again on Friday.
Today, and every day since Sofia was born, I let a little piece of me go. There's no turning back now, she's on her way down her own road. This is where she starts to shift away from me, and that's hard to accept. Yes, this was just three hours in preschool, but it's her first three hours of life without me. She didn't tell me every detail of her morning, so those are experiences I'll never share with her. She's always been her own person, but never
on her own. I am so happy for her, but equally sad for me.
Taking deep breaths until Friday.