Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Monday, January 3, 2011

First Blog

So I made a resolution this year.  I've never really done that before, so we'll see how it goes.  I resolved to do something completely for myself.  Nothing that will improve the daily lives of my children or my husband.  Nothing that will change what the future holds for anyone.  Just a simple thing that makes me feel more fulfilled.  I've decided to complete a thought! 
Before I had children, I used to be a person.  At least, that's the way I remember it.  Now I'm "just a mama".  Don't get me wrong... I adore my girls.  They are the reason I get up every morning (at an ungodly hour, no less).  But, they are the ONLY reason.  I am a stay at home mom.  My days are filled to the brim with the work that no one sees or appreciates.  And, that's the way it should be.  This absolutely is a job.  I've never worked so hard at anything.  Anyone who's never done it has no idea what goes into giving everything of yourself to little people who believe that's what a mother is supposed to do.  So, over the last 9 years, 8 months, 28 days (plus 10 months of pregnancy) I lost any sense of being a seperate person.  This blog is going to be my first step at retaking myself.
I haven't had a real conversation in months.  I haven't written a sentence in years.  Other than my name on the bottom of endless school papers, I haven't written ANYTHING in years.  Writing used to be my outlet.  However, once the teenage angst faded away, I stopped putting pen to paper.  So, here goes.
Maybe no one will ever read my ramblings, but I'll finally get them out of my head.  Making room in my head, of course, for more to-do lists and craft ideas for the girls. 
Let's see how long it lasts before I feel guilty for taking these few minutes away from my real job.


  1. I love!!!!! Sarah I have wanted to Blog but I on the other hand hate writing :). Do not feel guilty! I will read your blogs. Luv ya
    Kim Romero

  2. Life is about finding outlets out of our daily routine to keep us sane and everyone else alive.:) I think what you are doing is awesome and you deserve every minute of it... so enjoy every second it takes to compose your thoughts into paper, we will read!

  3. Sarah, you are an amazing person! Those little people will not be little for very long and you defintiely "need" to find who you are! Good luck inyour journey and I commend you for showing everyone else out there, that it's not easy! But we are here to support you and assure you that you are not alone!

  4. Just got done ready all your posts.... Great stuff Sarah! Keep it coming...
