Aren't they special?
Isn't that an interesting standard to set for the lady picking up man socks for the bazillionth time or the guy dealing with her twelfth mood swing since lunch?
For these exceptions to the norm, I offer a different set of relationship goals.
Falling asleep first in a vain attempt to be in deep enough REM to ignore his snoring.
Choosing what to eat for dinner without breaking into "my god, can you just pick a place for once? Must you always make everything difficult?"
Knowing which sushi roll she definitely didn't intend to share and keeping your chopsticks on your side of the platter.
Not wearing matching shirts, but at least looking like you're going to the same place. See: if she's wearing her best ceiling scrapers, he can't be wearing that shirt with the hole under the arm that, yes, everyone can actually see.
Seeing that your partner is preparing for hibernation, but not pointing out that they should probably stop shoveling in the chips and queso. Warm, soft snuggles are better anyway.
Mow the lawn/do the laundry/cook the dinner without sending out an alert. We get it, you did the thing. Yay, you. Move on.
Coffee. Sweet, warm, un-requested coffee. Delivered in a bigger than "needed" mug.
And, the number one #relationshipgoal:
Respect - mutual, unrelenting, loud and proud.
Ferraris and unnatural beauty can be a superstar fantasy, but the goal should be quiet peace.
At least for those few minutes before wanting to choke them while they sleep.
Respect. Interesting. This only works if it goes both ways AND friends of the couple also respect their relationship; no matter how long they have been friends or their history. If this one #relationshipgoal is upheld and honored by all, then everything else falls right in place as it should.