Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tinkerbell-free zone.

I'm an adult.  I know this by more than just the calendar.  I get downright giddy over the thought of a nap.  I partake in an icy cold glass of adult on a quiet Friday night.  I drag my ample behind to the workplace without rampaging through it with a machete.  And I delight in the pleasures of the old school hip hop channel on Pandora.

So, yes, I'm all grown up.

One of the harder lessons that come with this age?  Realizing that not everyone gets the opportunity to share in adulthood.

Some, like Peter Pan, stay childish fools their whole lives.  Unfortunately, unlike the green tight-ed boy, they insist on leaving the island and invading our peace.

So, here's what we adults have to accept:  you can't meet everyone where they are.

Not everyone can put ego aside and do what's best for others.

Not everyone can take a situation, find the good in it, and move on down their path.

Some people just have to do their level best to drag you down to their wallowing mud.  

Some people are just impossible.

And that's ok.  Well...it's not really ok, but we grown ups call it ok so that we are able to keep our forward direction.

All we grown up, responsibility taking, bill paying, head held high walking, children raising, too good for this argument making people can do is shake our heads and say:

"Thank the good lord above that I got away from that".

And to you Pans, you ex husbands, you former friends, you parents:  you don't ever have to grow up - just go back to your island.

We'll just be here, sipping adult beverages and holding kitchen dance parties .  You know: adulting.

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