Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Friday, December 12, 2014

Sh!t, Stupid elf!

I probably should have been thinking deeper thoughts.  And, I did for awhile.  Then I remembered that I had forgotten to move the elf before I left that morning.  So, thoughts quickly went from, "I told the girls  I love them this morning, right?" to, "stupid freaking Robert...I certainly can't blame them touching him on the ceiling fan."

And that was the rest of my MRI time.

Yeah, I wasn't going to start this with the stroke.  Because this isn't about that.

It's about my Maya, coming home from visiting me on a surprise visit to the cardiac floor of a hospital to discover a piece of magic isn't really magic at all - It's just mama moving a stuffed animal around the house.

And that simply breaks my heart.

She is the last one to believe, so I kept moving that ridiculous thing every night.  The fun she had looking for him was worth the stress of finding new places to stick him.  And, I forgot to move him.

So, while laying perfectly still for the tests that would determine what happened (just a small stroke caused by stress), my mind raced over how to fix the problem.  I half expected the tech to tell me he saw an elf laughing at me in my brain, but no such luck.

Anyway, love your kids and tell them every single morning,

And don't forget to move the stupid elf no matter what.  They need all the magic they can get.

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