Ponytails and pancakes

Ponytails and pancakes

Friday, May 18, 2012

Learning to walk on my own

Three years.  Every single school day that wasn't freezing or raining for three years.  On days when everything was coming up roses and on days when the thunderstorm followed us everywhere for three years.  Sometimes with a snack, sometimes with an attitude, always with each other for three years.

Eva was in Kindergarten the first time Maya and I took an afternoon walk.  We got to the school really early to pick up her sisters, so we decided to walk around "town" while we waited.

And that's how it started.  Since then, we've taken approximately 300 walks. 

We've giggled and laughed and talked our way through each one without a care in the world.

Sometimes, one of us would even skip through our walk. 

And, often, we would stop to enjoy the flowers.

Or stop to read to each other.

Or otherwise just show how fabulous we are.

But, mostly, we just walked together.  Talking about any and everything, Maya and I spent a few minutes enjoying the world together.

Until yesterday, when we took our very last solo walk.  My heart broke a little when we got back to the school.  In a few months, I'll be standing by myself outside of the school waiting for all three of my girls to walk out the doors. 

And, I'll have to learn how to walk on my own.


  1. Awwww :) this made me tear up a bit! It's so lovely to see that you have such a close relationship with your daughters.

    1. Thanks! They're easy to stay close to. : )

  2. I still love the way you write! And you still make my eyes fill with tears 20 years later!

  3. Melissa, you are an inspiration! Always.

  4. Melissa, you are an inspiration! Always.
