I am a fighter. Not in the sense of black eyes and bruises (though it could come to that if pushed), but I will fight for what I believe is right. I will fight for those who can't defend themselves. And, I will fight you over the middle piece of cake.
I am a teacher. I have taught each of my children to chew with their mouths closed and to think with their minds open. Now if I could just get them to fold their clothes properly.
More often, I am a student. Learning to be a stronger person and a better parent is a class I will never complete.
I am a bitch. This requires no further explanation than just spending a few minutes with me...particularly when dealing with morons and bad drivers.
I am a mother. To my three daughters, but also to anyone else who may need a little guidance or a helping hand. Just don't expect me to change any more diapers.
I am a protector. This is probably my strongest identity. I am fiercely protective of everyone I care about. Fiercely.
I am a listener. Talking is not really my strong suit, but I hear everything you say. Keep that in mind the next time you open your mouth about me.
I am a lover. I love deeply and passionately. Once I love, it is very difficult to turn it off. Once I turn it off, I throw away the knob and you will never feel the warmth of my heart again.
I am a mother. I say this again because it is who I most often have to be.
I am a supporter. I love nothing more than to hold someone up when they need a little extra strength. My shoulders are open to anyone who needs to stand upon them.
I am a maid. Not my favorite identity, but one I have to exercise more often than I would like to.
I am a cook. Somewhere between a short-order cook and a chef de cuisine is where I lay my apron.
I am a chauffeur. Soccer practice, school (times three), dance class, choir practice, basketball practice, orthodontist appointments, blah blah blah.
I am a cheerleader. No bullhorns or pom poms needed.
I am a challenger. Don't test me without expecting a fight. I will challenge everything that isn't set in stone... and I will even question that if there is a chisel handy.
I am a friend. While I don't have many, the ones I do have can count on me to hide a body, lighten a mood, or drink them under the table.
I am a woman. Soft skin and hard stares. Strong will and weak heart. Quiet anger and loud devotion.
And, I am a mother. Morning, noon & night.
I determine who and what I am. I am not defined by anyone or anything. Love me or leave me alone, but stop trying to change me into who you want me to be. I fit no other molds and no one can fit into mine. And aren't we all really grateful for that?!
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