The woman who stood on a toilet to braid my hair
Who fed me at her already full table
Who taught me the proper way to size a bra
The woman who always tried to convince me to carry myself like I was someone. Because, to her, I am someone.
I was someone.
I was her niece. I was her goddaughter. I was, sometimes, her headache. I was the mother of her three "favorite" little girls.
I was indescribably lucky.
I lost a huge piece of my map this morning with the loss of my Aunt Baba. My girls lost the woman who showed them more love and fun than almost anyone else in their world. My cousins lost their guide. And, my uncle lost more than I can imagine.
It's hard to think happy when you're broken. It's hard to feel anything through the avalanche. But we wouldn't have just lost so much if she hadn't given so much. Been so much.
She loved me back. For my whole life. Kindly but not gently. Without fail or reason.
She loved me back.
Thank you, Baba. For braiding my hair and crying at my wedding. For answering every call and knowing how to mother. For taking me in and for bandaging my falls. For adoring my girls and helping me get it right. Thank you for telling me when I was stupid and being there when you were proven right. I love you unbending and constant. Thank you for always loving me back.
Sari Sue