The last space on the kindergarten questionnaire asked: what is one thing you would like me to know about your child?
One thing?! What is one thing I want you to know about this person that's carrying my heart around in her hand?!
I would like you to know that her favorite color was pink until she found out every other girl in the world was copying her.
I want you to know how she saw someone make her sister feel bad for being a "tomboy", so she squeezed Eva's hand and declared that she only likes boyish stuff now too!
You should know that she's especially ticklish under her chin.
I need you to know that she will feign an injury if she's losing in a race so that the leader will stop to check on her, thus allowing her to blow past the poor sucker.
It would be great if you knew that she thinks butterflies fly higher than the sun and crabs eat chicken.
I would like you to know that nothing you say will convince her that she is not the boss of everyone.
I think you should know that she loves to cook with me and considers herself my official taste tester.
You need to know that she has the sense of humor of a grown woman, and I have no idea where it came from.
I think you should be aware that she's rolling her eyes at you every time you turn around.
And, I want you to know that she is her mama's pride and joy. She is the most amazing kid in kindergarten this year, and you should be thankful you get to spend this time with her. It breaks her mama's heart every morning when the school doors close behind her.
Instead of these things, though, I simply filled in the blank space with:
Maya is absolutely overflowing with personality.
Everything else is for me to know and the world to find out.
Ponytails and pancakes

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Up in the air
I like gravity. I may even love it, but I'm too shy to tell it.
Everything in my life is up in the air right now. It feels like I'm in the middle of a broken snow globe where everything swirls around me, but nothing ever really settles down. Or maybe I'm on a trampoline and, every time I land on my feet, someone keeps bounding in to try to knock me off again. And, sometimes it feels like that part of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory where Charlie drinks the stuff that makes him float. And he floats so high he almost gets shredded by the fan. Mostly, lately, it's the scene in Mary Poppins where everyone is having such a good time that their happiness makes them lighter than air. And, they spend all day up there having an amazing time. Until someone makes them think sad thoughts.
But gravity, well gravity keeps my feet on the ground. It reminds me that this is not a dream and I cannot just float away. Gravity is the sad thoughts that always show up to ruin the party.
I like the trampoline. And the bubble juice. And the insanely happy times. But gravity is my comfort zone. It's what I know best. It holds me down and back. I can wear it like a barbed wire sweater, and it fits perfectly. Because, it may not make me happy, but at least it settles things down.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Fountain of Youth
Recently, I have started feeling self-conscious about my age. Up until a few weeks ago, I really didn't care, but now I find myself hyper-aware of the date on my driver's license. So, while I made cinnamon rolls at 3:00 this morning, I tried to think of things that make me feel young(ish). Here is what flows through my own personal fountain of youth:
Kicking kid butt in card & board games. I am the World Champion at Uno and Sorry! Some people let their kids win and some beat them gently. I wholeheartedly whoop up on my kids. Every time.
Dancing in the car/grocery store/parking lot. Much to my girls' dismay, I cannot fight the urge to show my skills when the right song comes along... even if it came along in my head.
Beating Eva in a foot race. Anyone who has seen Eva in action knows I don't have much longer to make her eat my dust. Until the day she passes me though, I shall flaunt my awesome speed in her eight year old face!
The way my heart skips when fingers interlace.
No, I may not remember why I walked into this room...but I can recite every single word to any song from the 90's. And, being able to keep up with DMX takes at least ten years off my age.
Ice cream cones.
Giggling. Laughing is good. Giggling is better.
Every single time I see the size on my jeans is several sizes smaller than it was in high school.
Being able to get up after only four hours of sleep and still see straight. It may not be because I've been out at the club all night, but at least I know I can still function without a midday nap.
Talking to "Baby" Brother. Nothing keeps you on your toes like carrying on a conversation with a 22 year old who uses words like "playa" and "gotsta".
Margarita night.
So, the next time I'm feeling queasy about my geriatric side, I'm going to fill my cup from this particular fountain. I may not be Young, Wild & Free anymore... but two out of three isn't bad.
Kicking kid butt in card & board games. I am the World Champion at Uno and Sorry! Some people let their kids win and some beat them gently. I wholeheartedly whoop up on my kids. Every time.
Dancing in the car/grocery store/parking lot. Much to my girls' dismay, I cannot fight the urge to show my skills when the right song comes along... even if it came along in my head.
Beating Eva in a foot race. Anyone who has seen Eva in action knows I don't have much longer to make her eat my dust. Until the day she passes me though, I shall flaunt my awesome speed in her eight year old face!
The way my heart skips when fingers interlace.
No, I may not remember why I walked into this room...but I can recite every single word to any song from the 90's. And, being able to keep up with DMX takes at least ten years off my age.
Ice cream cones.
Giggling. Laughing is good. Giggling is better.
Every single time I see the size on my jeans is several sizes smaller than it was in high school.
Being able to get up after only four hours of sleep and still see straight. It may not be because I've been out at the club all night, but at least I know I can still function without a midday nap.
Talking to "Baby" Brother. Nothing keeps you on your toes like carrying on a conversation with a 22 year old who uses words like "playa" and "gotsta".
Margarita night.
So, the next time I'm feeling queasy about my geriatric side, I'm going to fill my cup from this particular fountain. I may not be Young, Wild & Free anymore... but two out of three isn't bad.
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